



I am trying to find how to implement a custom message on the status bar, something like the Evernote "Downloading changes..." message seen here.

Is this a private API call? Any suggestions or pointers?

+2  A: 

This pretty much looks like a label put on top of the view there and then the table view right below it , should not be tough to do...

    UILabel *label=...
    label.text=@"My Text"
    //maybe justify here so  its c enters
    //set the rectangle bounds to what they need to be 
//for the example there it would probably be (0,0,320,5) or something like that 
//and the tableview w ould be at (0,5,320,455)
I agree, it looks like it's part of the normal visible area. You'll want to adjust the background color of the label in Interface Builder and the color of the font as well.
Epsilon Prime
huh, i was hoping that there was an api to tie into, the behavior is like when you are on a call, tethered, or recording a voice memo, the message is flashing and animates on show and hide. Guess i'll go the label route for now.
thre isnt an api for that purpose, u can recreate what you want to do pretty easily
thank you Daniel... i was trying to be lazy :)