I have rebuilt indexes and updated statistics.
The query is straightforward, with a subquery in the WHERE clause.
SELECT TOP 1 * from MeetingPost_reg
WHERE userid = 1234 AND meetingpost_regid <> 9999
AND DateStart < (SELECT DateStart FROM MeetingPost_reg WHERE meetingpost_regid = 9999)
ORDER BY DateStart desc
There is an index on datastart, userid. meetingpost_regid is the PK, with clustered index.
|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([MeetingPost_reg].[message]=[MeetingPost_reg].[message], [MeetingPost_reg].[ProcessedComment]=[MeetingPost_reg].[ProcessedComment], [MeetingPost_reg].[ProcessedMsg]=[MeetingPost_reg].[ProcessedMsg], [MeetingPost_reg].[pos_discou
|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]), OBJECT:([dbo].[MeetingPost_reg]))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([MeetingPost_reg].[datestart]))
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([dbo].[MeetingPost_reg].[PK_MeetingPost_reg]), SEEK:([MeetingPost_reg].[meetingpost_regid]=9999) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Index Seek(OBJECT:([dbo].[MeetingPost_reg].[MeetingPost_reg12]), SEEK:([MeetingPost_reg].[datestart] < [MeetingPost_reg].[datestart]), WHERE:([MeetingPost_reg].[meetingpost_regid]<>9999 AND Convert([MeetingPost_reg
(6 row(s) affected)
Execution Plan:
The Execution Plan diagram shows an Index Seek with 0 rows, and a Clustered Index Seek with 1 row, for a total Cost of ~ .0006, total CPU Cost ~ .002
The Trace shows a Duration of 250, CPU 172, Reads 11. The Trace Event Class is SQL:StmtCompleted
Why is this query using so much CPU?