



I'm working with a not so small tree structure (it's a Burkhard-Keller-Tree, > 100 MB in memory) implemented in C++. The pointers to the children of each node are stored in a QHash.

Each node x has n children y[1] ... y[n], the edges to the children are labeled with the edit distance d(x, y[i]), so using a hash to store the nodes is an obvious solution.

class Node {
    int value;
    QHash<int, Node*> children;
    /* ... */

I also want to serialize and deserialize it into a file (I currently use a QDataStream). The tree is just built once and doesn't change then.

Building the tree and deserializing it is rather slow. I'm loading the tree in the obvious way: Recursively building each node. I think this is suboptimal due to the many nodes that are created seperately with the new operator. I read somewhere that new is pretty slow. The initial build is not a big problem because the tree's rather stable and doesn't have to be rebuilt very often. But loading the tree from a file should be as fast as possible.

What's the best way to accomplish this?

It must be much better to save the whole tree in a single memory block with adjacent nodes. Serializing and deserializing would then be reduced to save and load the whole block, which I have to allocate just once.

But to implement this I would have to re-implement the QHash, AFAIK.

What would you do to speed up the deserialization?


Thank you for your suggestion to do some profiling. Here are the results:

While rebuilding the tree from a file

 1 % of the time is consumed by my own new calls
65 % is consumed by loading the QHash objects (this is implemented by the 
     Qt Library) of each node
12 % is consumed by inserting the nodes into the existing tree
20 % is everything else

So it's definitly not my new calls which cause the delay but the rebuild of the QHash objects at every node. This is basically done with:

 QDataStream in(&infile);
 in >> node.hash;

Do I have to dig into QHash and look what's going on under the hood there? I think the best solution would be a hash object that can be serialized with a single read and write operation without the need to rebuild the internal data structure.

+1  A: 

I highly recommend the boost serialization library. It should work with the solutions you're using.

I second this : Boost is a nice solution and handles automatically all the child/parent relation ship. It's worth investigating, given that the benchmark show that QHash (the current solution for child/parent) is what's eating up most of the time. It's also available on a wide range of platforms. On the other hand I have no idea how well Boost plays with QT.
+1  A: 

The absolute fastest way of serialising/deserialising is writing a block of contiguous memory to disk as you say. If you changed your tree structure to create this (probably using a custom allocation routine) this would be very easy.

Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with QHash, but from looking at it it looks like a Hashtable rather than a tree. Have I misunderstood you? Are you using this to map duplicate nodes?

I'd use a profiler (I used to use Quantify, now called Rational PurifyPlus, but there are a lot listed here) to find where you are using time, but I'd guess it is either multiple memory allocations rather than a single allocation, or multiple reads rather than a single read. To solve both these problems you know in advance (because you store it) how many nodes you need, then write/read an array of nodes of the correct length, where each pointer is an index into the array, rather than a pointer in memory.

Nick Fortescue
Each node of the tree has a key and a hashtable to its leafes. Each leaf is dereferenced by an arbitrary number. To be precise: A node x has n leafes y_1 ... y_n, each edge from x to y_i is labeled with the edit distance from d(x, y_i) (see
Wolfgang Plaschg
+1. for profiling before optimising ...

Another solution would be to use your own memory allocator, which will use a continuous memory space. Then you'll be able to dump the memory as is and load it back. It's platform (i.e. big endian/little endian, 32bit/64bit) sensitive.

-1 for this idea : You mention some problems but the reality is this is also compiler, optimization level and debug/release sensitive - not to mention extending the tree in the future and handling migration nicely.
+1 to offset: With a suitable level of abstraction that's certainly possible - e.g. using iterators, and storing offsets instead of pointers. Especially for a "build once, never modify" an arena allocator is extremely efficient. Platform portability *is* a problem, and it's probably not going to solve the OP's problem, though.

As you said, allocating objects with new might be slow. That can be improved allocating an object pool and then using pre-allocated objects until the pool is exhausted. You might even be able to implement this to work in background by overloading the new/delete operators of the class in question.

+4  A: 

First of all - profile your application so that you know what takes time - basing the suspicion on new because you've read somewhere it can be slow or on the iteration through the tree is not enough.

It's possible it's the IO operations - maybe your file format is not correct/inefficient.

Maybe you just have a defect somewhere?

Or maybe there's a quadratic loop somewhere that you don't remember about causing the problems? :)

Measure what really takes time in your case and then approach the issue - it'll save you a lot of time and you'll avoid breaking your design/code to fix performance issues that don't exist before finding the real cause.

+1. I totally agree. Always profile before optimisation. Even if your gues is right, you will know exactly how much you have gain for a given optimisation.
Each node is stored with an overloaded `<<` operator into a QDataStream. This is the recommended way to store Qt objects. No, there's no quadratic loop. I did some profiling and the results falsified my supposition (see edited question).
Wolfgang Plaschg

Your own memory allocation with an overloaded operator new() and delete() is a low-cost option (development time). However, this only affects the memory allocation time, and not the Ctor times. Your mileage may vary, but may worth a try.

Denes Tarjan

Some issues with serializing and deserializing a tree:
1. Pointers don't translate very well.
An object in memory many be at the same address when it is created again.
There may not be a method to allocate the object at the given location.

2.Serializing in the wrong order may defeat the purpose of the tree.
For example, serialize the tree using pre-order traversal. When creating the tree from the file, the tree will be in order and will not be as efficient; will look like a linked list.

You may want to serialize the objects instead of the tree structure. This will allow you to change the data structure in the future if necessary.

Thomas Matthews

I'll expand my comment a bit:

Since your profiling suggests that the QHash serialization takes the most time, I believe that replacing QHash with a QList would yield a significant improvement when it comes to deserialization speed.

The QHash serialization just outputs the key/value pairs, but the deserialization constructs a hash data structure!

Even if you said that you need the fast child lookup, I would recommend that you try replacing QHash with a QList > as a test. If there aren't many children for each node (say, less than 30), the lookup should still be fast enough even with a QList. If you find that QList is not fast enough, you could still use it just for (de)serializaton and later convert to a hash once the tree has been loaded.

+1  A: 

Another approach would be to serialize your pointers and restore them when loading. I mean:


nodeList = collectAllNodes();

for n in nodelist:
 write ( &n )
 writeNode( n ) //with pointers as-they-are.


//read all nodes into a list.
while ( ! eof(f))
    read( prevNodeAddress)
    readNode( node )
    fixMap[prevNodeAddress] = &node;

//fix pointers to new values.
for n in nodeList:
    for child in n.children:
        child->node = fixMap[child->node]

This way if you don't insert-remove new nodes you can allocate a vector once and use that memory, reducing your allocation to the maps ( as rpg said, it might be faster with lists or even vectors).

Nice answer! Thank you
Wolfgang Plaschg