I'm getting a compile error (MS VS 2008) that I just don't understand. After messing with it for many hours, it's all blurry and I feel like there's something very obvious (and very stupid) that I'm missing. Here's the essential code:
typedef int (C::*PFN)(int);
struct MAP_ENTRY
int id;
PFN pfn;
class C
int Dispatch(int, int);
int C::Dispatch(int id, int val)
for (MAP_ENTRY *p = pMap; p->id != 0; ++p)
if (p->id == id)
return p->pfn(val); // <--- error here
return 0;
The compiler claims at the arrow that the "term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 argument". Why not? PFN is prototyped as a function taking one argument, and MAP_ENTRY.pfn is a PFN. What am I missing here?