Is there way to tell what proc called the currently executing stored procedure.
There is currently no way to do this.
But please... Go here and let them know that you want that feature.
I looked into this a little more, and found a potential workaround (ugly to use for this purpose, but it looks like it might be doable):
This is from Books Online:
- Session context information is stored in the context_info column in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table. This is a varbinary(128) column.
- SET CONTEXT_INFO cannot be specified in a user-defined function. You cannot supply a null value to SET CONTEXT_INFO because the sysprocesses table does not allow null values.
- SET CONTEXT_INFO does not accept expressions other than constants or variable names. To set the context information to the result of a function call, you must first place the function call result in a binary or varbinary variable.
- When you issue SET CONTEXT_INFO in a stored procedure or trigger, unlike in other SET statements, the new value set for the context information persists after the stored procedure or trigger completes.
So here's my idea:
add this code to all of your procedures:
SELECT @UID = CAST('ThisProcedureName' AS VARBINARY(128))
Then you add this check where you need it:
DECLARE @Message varbinary(128)
SELECT @Message = cast('TestB' as varbinary(128))
RAISERROR('Not Allowed unless from procedure XX', 16, 1)
Gabriel McAdams
2009-12-31 01:42:10
I posted a tip to my blog including source code:
Gabriel McAdams
2010-02-03 02:17:15