Usually, you shouldn't need to be able to check at runtime whether you're on 64 or 32 bits. If your host application (that's what I'd call the app that launches the 64 or 32 bit tools) is a fat binary, the compile-time check is enough. Since it will get compiled twice (once for the 32-bit part of the fat binary, once for the 64-bit part), and the right one will be launched by the system, you'll compile in the right launch code by just writing sth. like
#if __LP64__
NSString *vExecutablePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"tool64" ofType: @""];
NSString *vExecutablePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"tool32" ofType: @""];
[NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath: vExecutableName ...];
If the user somehow explicitly launches your app in 32 bits on a 64 bit Mac, trust them that they know what they're doing. It's an edge case anyway, and why break things for power users out of a wrong sense of perfection. You may even be happy yourself if you discover a 64-bit-only bug if you can tell users the workaround is launching as 32 bits.
You only need a real runtime check if your app itself is only 32 bits (e.g. Carbon GUI with command-line helper). In that case, host_processor_info or sysctl or similar are probably your only route if for some weird reason you can't just lipo the two executables together.