



I had been using SWFToImage for a specifc client, but have recently migrated to 64bit Windows Server 2008 As this dll was compiled for 32bit managed code, it will not run in my new 64bit environment. I've tried to follow the instructions the developer has presented here with no luck:

How to run and use SWF To Image on x64 Windows

Alas, I'm a simple web developer and just don't have my head around Windows application development. I may just be misunderstanding or missing some fundamental step in the process.

Has anyone been able to get this dll to work on a 64bit server environment? Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance!


Hi Randolph

Have you got anywhere with this at all? We are currently experiencing the same issues - we migrated from 2003 to 2008 64bit last month and it seems to be stopping our application pools.

It would be good if we could put a solution online - we can't seem to find a single instance of an answer online yet.



Sadly no, I've made no progress on this. I've tried several times to follow the cryptic directions at with no luck. Will keep at it, and post here if I find a solution!
Randolph Dudley
I think we found a couple of solutions that might help - the GAC dll was pointing to a file that didn't exist. So it compiled but when IIS refrshed it it wasn't there! - We compiled the applications in 32 bit mode (as opposed to the mixed mode we were running before) and it seems to work a dream now.I'll keep you updated on anything else that happens, but it seems to be running stable now. Hope this helps for now.Iain