My first application was submitted to App Store and failed to be approved owing to "excessive volumes of data over the cellular network". I don't know how they test this but since it's basically a news application which displays various articles, images and streamed videos, I would go and blame the videos for the rejection. I can't test it for sure because there is no network stats in Ipod Touch and that's the only device I can access.
And so I'm curious..
1) Does anyone have any idea how Apple "runs" bandwidth test?
2) What are ways I can improve my XML loading, image displaying and video streaming to reduce bandwidth (in case user uses cellular network)? For images, I use asynchronous loading (maybe that can be a problem if lots of images can be requested at the same time?) I'm looking at which could help with XML and maybe image loading but I don't understand if I can use ASIHTTPRequest to stream a video.
3) Is there any way to test network usage in iPhone simulator?