I have Silverlight Accordion control in the ChildWindow and I customized it the following way
<Style x:Key=itemStyle TargetType=AccordionItem>
<Setter Porperty=HeaderTemplate>
<TextBlock x:Name=_headertext/>
<Accordion Style"{StaticResource itemStyle}">
<TextBlock x:name=_contenttext/>
Now I have a method in my Chilwindow.Xaml
public void LoadItems(ObservableColection<Groups> gp)
This method is called from the mainpage and it passes the gp value
Groups is a class with public properties and Observable collections.For example
public class Groups
public string FirstName{get, set;}
public ObservableCollection<Details> details {get, set;}
public Groups()
this.details=new ObservableCollection<Details>();
My Details Class is as follows
public class Details
public int id {get; set;}
public string LastName{get; set;}
Now I have to bind the _headertext(TextBlock in header Template) with the FirstName and _contenttext(TextBlock in Content Template) with LastName.
Please help me in doing this.I need your help.
Thanks Rani