I am trying to do the following: Obtain the address of a member function from a class that was locally defined within a function.
class ConnectionBase
template class<EventType, SinkType>
class ConnectionImpl : public ConnectionBase
typedef void (SinkType::*EventCallback)(EventType const&);
template<class EventType>
class Source
template <class SinkType>
boost::shared_ptr<ConnectionBase> setupCallback(typename ConnectionImpl<EventType, SinkType>::EventCallback func, SinkType* sink)
// do the actual connecting.
class SomeClass
void someFunction(int const& event){}
class SomeUnitTest
void someTest()
class NestedClass
void someFunction(int const& event){}
NestedClass nc;
//Try#1 - This does not work
setupCallback<int, NestedClass>(&NestedClass::someFunction, &nc);
//Try #2 - This also does not work
setupCallback<int, NestedClass>(&SomeUnitTest::someTest::NestedClass::someFunction, &nc);
//Try #3 - Following the GCC error output, I tried this
setupCallback<int, NestedClass>(&SomeUnitTest::someTest()::NestedClass::someFunction, &nc);
SomeClass sc;
//This works fine, as expected
setupCallback<int, SomeClass>(&SomeClass::someFunction, &sc);
Try #2 and #3 utterly confuse GCC, it has no idea what I am trying to do. Try #1 produces a more helpful error message saying no setupCallback exists that takes the form "setupCallback(void (SomeUnitTest::someTest()::NestedClass::SomeFunction::*), etc) Which is how try #3 was born.
I can't really find a lot of information about classes defined inside a function, does anyone know the correct syntax for this, and maybe have a resource that discusses this topic?
Ok, it appears this is settled, as both posters have pointed out, local classes have no linkage, it can't work. Now knowing this, I found this article that discusses this, for anyone else that runs into this problem and stumbles across this question: http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=cplusplus&seqNum=420
Clarification of setupCallback(), working example with a more regular class
Edit #2:
Updated wording to change "nested" to "local". Added more detail for setupCallback.
Edit #3: Added links to furhter information. Thanks everyone.