
Local classes inside inline non-member function produces LNK2005 with MSVC2005

Apparently, MSVC2005 fails to inline local classes' member functions which leads to LNK2005. I'm facing this LNK2005 error when compiling the following: common.h content: inline void wait_what() { struct wtf { void ffffuuu() {} } local; } foo.cpp content: #include "common.h" void foo() { wait_what(); } bar.cpp conte...

How to get address of member function for local class defined in function (C++)

I am trying to do the following: Obtain the address of a member function from a class that was locally defined within a function. class ConnectionBase { }; template class<EventType, SinkType> class ConnectionImpl : public ConnectionBase { public: typedef void (SinkType::*EventCallback)(EventType const&); }; template<class EventType> ...

Why can't a std::vector take a local type?

void foo() { struct Foo { .. }; std::vector<Foo> vec; // why is this illegal? } I'm not returning Foo to the outside world. It's just a temporary type that I use within the function. ...

C++ can local class reference be passed to a function?

hi I would like to know if the following is allowed: template < class C > void function(C&); void function() { class {} local; function(local); } thanks ...

How to use local classes with templates?

GCC doesn't seem to approve of instanciating templates with local classes: template <typename T> void f(T); void g() { struct s {}; f(s()); // error: no matching function for call to 'f(g()::s)' } VC doesn't complain. How should it be done? ...

Local Classes in C++

I am reading "Local Classes" concept in Object-oriented programming with C++ By Balagurusamy (http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070593620/information_center_view0/). The last line says "Enclosing function cannot access the private members of a local class. However, we can achieve this by declaring the enclosing function as a friend...

Access problem in local class

void foobar(){ int local; static int value; class access{ void foo(){ local = 5; /* <-- Error here */ value = 10; } }bar; } void main(){ foobar(); } Why doesn't access to local inside foo() compile? OTOH I can easily access and modify the static variable v...