



My development certificate has expired. What is the correct method of renewing it? Do you revoke the expired certificate & submit a new Certificate Signing Request? Do provisioning profiles have to be recreated? Are there any side-effects of doing this?

+1  A: 

If the certificate is expired, you can not revoke it. You need to re-create it through the developer program portal.

Once you have your new certificate available, I am not sure if you need to create again the provisioning profiles associated to your previous certificate. I guess you must probably do this (unless the provisioning profiles just use the certificate subject and not the valid from/ to fieds).

To the best of my knowledge, there are no other side-effects.

Actually the only option available in the Program Portal was to revoke the certificate. So I revoked it, created a new CSR in Keychain Access and submitted it to create a new certificate. The Development Provisioning Profile then needed to be updated to associate it with the new certificate.To install I deleted the old provisioning profile from the XCode Organiser (and my devices) and dragged in the new .mobileprovision profile file, and double-clicked the developer_identity.cer certificate.This all worked and I can again run apps on my device.
Robin Charlton
Everything you describe looks normal/familiar except the need to revoke it. From a technical point of view, you may only revoke a certificate which has not yet expired (e.g. if it has been compromised). Once expired, a certificate is no longer valid and wil simply not work at all. Anyway, as you told me, this is the only option available on the developer program portal. Thank you for sharing this.