



Has anyone figured out how to change the keybindings for the meta and control keys for Conkeror on Mac OSX? For example, in Emacs I have my C mapped to the apple command key and my M mapped to the option key. Is there any way to do this for Conkeror? Can anyone supply the javascript for the .conkerorrc file?


You'll have to fiddle a little with this to get it to be exactly what you want but as an example... rebinding C to M

modifiers.C = new modifier(
  function (event) { return event.metaKey; },
  function (event) { event.metaKey = true; });

All you'll need to do is replace C with M or A or S for Meta, Alt, and Super respectively. and then replace metaKey with what you want the key to be. I'm not sure what the Command key produces so you'll have to fiddle with that but I'm pretty sure that option is Alt so that would be

modifiers.M = new modifier(
  function (event) { return event.altKey; },
  function (event) { event.altKey = true; });

It's funny though, on every system but OS X, Conkeror treats Meta and Alt as the same by default.

Edit Actually it looks more complex than what I said at first. You should read the Conkeror wiki page about it.
