
Emacs (or conkeror) stackoverflow mode?

Have any of the heavy users put together an emacs or conkeror stackoverflow mode that they'd wish to share? It'd be REALLY nice to compose posts and replies in a text editor rather than switching to the browser. Pages could load in the background while you get coding done, etc. In terms of implementation -- I took a look at how stackov...

What does your .conkerorrc look like?

Conkeror has changed the way I browse the web: it's basically Emacs + Firefox with javascript based configuration in .conkerrorc rather than elisp configuration in .emacs. I've built up a huge library of .emacs customizations over the years by getting little bits and pieces from others. I'm just starting with Conkeror but the fact that...

Vimperator/Conkeror-like link selection

I use Conkeror on a daily basis except at work where I need Firebug, since I'm a web developer. I really miss having the "follow link" ability in Conkeror but I don't want to resort to using Vimperator to get it. Is there any Firefox extension which lets me follow links by hitting a key followed by the link text like in Conkeror? ...

Conkeror Keybindings on Mac OSX

Has anyone figured out how to change the keybindings for the meta and control keys for Conkeror on Mac OSX? For example, in Emacs I have my C mapped to the apple command key and my M mapped to the option key. Is there any way to do this for Conkeror? Can anyone supply the javascript for the .conkerorrc file? ...

How can I split my conkeror-rc config over multiple files?

Short version: can you help me fill in this code? var conkeror_settings_dir = ""; function load_all_js_files_in_dir (dir) { var full_path = get_home_directory().appendRelativePath(dir); // YOUR CODE HERE } load_all_js_files_in_dir(conkeror_settings_dir); Background I'm trying out Conkeror for web ...

How do I copy some text from within conkeror into my clipboard?

conkeror i'v started using it and its great! i cant find however how do i copy some text from within the browser into my clipboard? ...