Deduping is rarely simple. That's because the records to be dedupped often have slightly differnt values is some of the fields. Therefore choose which record to keep can be problematic. Further, dups are often people records and it is hard to identify if the two John Smith's are two people or one person who is duplicated. So spend a lot (50% or more of the whole project) of your time defining what constitutes a dup and how to handle the differences and child records.
How do you know which is the correct value? Further dedupping requires that you handle all child records not orphaning any. What happens when you find that by changing the id on the child record you are suddenly violating one of the unique indexes or constraints - this will happen eventually and your process needs to handle it. If you have chosen foolishly to apply all your constraints only thorough the application, you may not even know the constraints are violated. When you have 10,000 records to dedup, you aren't going to go through the application to dedup one at a time. If the constraint isn't in the database, lots of luck in maintaining data integrity when you dedup.
A further complication is that dups don't always match exactly on the name or address. For instance a salesrep named Joan Martin may be a dup of a sales rep names Joan Martin-Jones especially if they have the same address and email. OR you could have John or Johnny in the name. Or the same street address except one record abbreveiated ST. and one spelled out Street. In SQL server you can use SSIS and fuzzy grouping to also identify near matches. These are often the most common dups as the fact that weren't exact matches is why they got put in as dups in the first place.
For some types of dedupping, you may need a user interface, so that the person doing the dedupping can choose which of two values to use for a particular field. This is especially true if the person who is being dedupped is in tweo or more roles. It could be that the data for a particular role is usually better than the data for another role. Or it could be that only the users will know for sure which is the correct value or they may need to contact people tofind out if they are genuinely dups or simply two people with the same name.