



I'm looking for a long and complex Markdown document that I can use to test performance of different markdown implementations -- as an alternative to iterative benchmarking of a simple document.

I thought I might be able to browse around Stack Overflow and find something, but by and large everything I find is pretty simply written; and so far I'm not finding anything useful on Google.

Is there an existing document that showcases most or all Markdown syntax, perhaps written for just such a test?

+2  A: 

Try this out. It's the source markdown of John Gruber's Markdown Syntax page.

Be aware that there is some HTML in there as well.

In fact, nearly all pages on John Gruber's site give you markdown if you append .text to the URL.

Thanks, good to know. Should nesting formats (i.e. bold inside italic inside link text) affect performance?
Adam Tuttle
Ask it as another question, don't ask me. I'm no markdown expert - I just happened to be setting it up on my blog yesterday!
Also, it probably depends on the implementation (going back to Joel and Jeff's regex vs. state machine discussion). Have a look at your implementation source and see how it deals with nesting.
+1  A: 

Have you looked at/used John Gruber's test suite?

Jerry Coffin