I'm very new to performance engineering, so I have a very basic question.
I'm working in a client-server system that uses SQL server backend. The application is a huge tax-related application that requires testing performance at peak load. Meaning that there should be like 10 million tax returns in the system when we run scenarios related to creating tax returns and submitting them. Then there will also be proportional number of users that need to be created.
Now I'm hearing in meetings that we need to create 10 million records to test performance and run scenarios with 5000 users and I just don't think it is feasible.
When one talks about creating a smaller dataset and extrapolating the performance planning, a very common answer I hear is that we need to 10 million records because we cannot tell from a smaller data set how the database or network will behave.
So how does one plan capacity and test performance on large enterprise application without creating peak level of data or running peak number of scenarios?