Hi. I have a question regarding performance of Sql Server.
Suppose I have a table persons with the following columns: (id, name, surname).
Now, I want to insert a new row in this table. The rule is the following:
If id is not present in the table, then insert the row
If d is present, then update.
I have two solutions here:
update persons
set id=@p_id, name=@p_name, surname=@p_surname
where id=@p_id
if @@ROWCOUNT = 0
insert into persons(id, name, surname)
values (@p_id, @p_name, @p_surname)
if exists (select id from persons where id = @p_id)
update persons
set id=@p_id, name=@p_name, surname=@p_surname
where id=@p_id
insert into persons(id, name, surname)
values (@p_id, @p_name, @p_surname)
What is a better aproach? It seems like in the second choice, to update a row, it has to be searched 2 times, whereas in the first option - just ones. Are there any other solutions to the problem? I am using MS SQL 2000