I have two large identical-sized files. One is ASCII plain text, and the other is a colour-coded overlay, one byte per text character in the corresponding file.
These files can be large - upto 2.5 MB; possibly substantially more, perhaps over 100MB later.
I want to display the text is a scrollable text viewer, using the second file as the overlay. Looking something like this:
So I made a simple tkinter Text widget window in Python with scrollbar and such.
My code looks like this:
hottest = 0
for heat in heatmap:
hottest = max(hottest,ord(heat))
hottest += 1
for heat in xrange(0,hottest):
factor = int((float(heat)/float(hottest))*100.0)
# an observation; tkinter seems to normalise custom colours
# to nearest in it's palette, which means I can't use custom
# gradients of red; if anyone knows how to use subtle custom colours?
bgcolour = "gray%d" % (100-factor)
fgcolour = "gray%d" % factor
ofs = 0
for heat in heatmap:
if 0 != ord(heat):
coord_start = "1.0 + %d chars"%ofs
coord_stop = "1.0 + %d chars"%(ofs+1)
ofs += 1
However, I run into horrid performance problems:
loading the text
- if I simply use textwidget.text = textfile.read() it loads instantly, even for the large file; but then the problem is colour-coding it. (see code above). To add the tags, one character at a time, it seems I force it to take a painter algorithm; by the time the file is about 300KB in size, I give up waiting for it to load
- if I read the next character from the textfile and the colourfile, and append a properly tagged character, it takes forever; a file bigger than about 200KB and I give up waiting for it to load
Scrolling. If this much formatting visible in the current window, it goes very slowly
If I was approaching this problem in, say, Dephi or wxWidgets or whatever, I'd have a custom-drawn control.
What's the most straightforward way in Python and Tkinter?