I have the following SQL query:
SELECT CountryID, [10201] AS CountryGDPPerCapita, [10677] AS LifeExpTotal
SELECT CountryID,FieldID,numeric
FROM globaledge.dbo.DIBS_Data
WHERE CountryID IN (3,5)
AND FieldID IN (10201,10677)
AND year = 2002
) SourceTable
FOR FieldID IN ([10201],[10677])
) AS PivotTable
ORDER BY PivotTable.CountryID
This returns something that looks like this:
CountryID CountryGDPPerCapita LifeExpTotal
3 35985.78 77.24
5 9147.7 74.54
Then I have another query as follows:
SELECT CountryName, CountryGDP, CountryGDPGrowth
FROM globaledge.dbo.Country_Statistics
WHERE CountryID IN (3,5)
AND year=2002
Order By CountryName
Which produces the following:
CountryName CountryGDP CountryGDPGrowth
Mexico 1567000000000000 1.3
United States 14440000000000000 0.4
Also note, I do have CountryID in both tables, that refer to the same country. What I want is to create one SQL Query, maybe with an INNER JOIN, that would return the following:
CountryName CountryGDP CountryGDPGrowth CountryGDPPerCapita LifeExpTotal
Mexico 156700000000000000 1.3 35985.78 77.24
United States 144400000000000000 0.4 9147.7 74.54
Could anyone help me make this query? or tell me if it's possible?