Hi all, new to developing with flex3/as3.
I have a main.mxml application that lays out my application, it contains a "browse and upload" button. And contains an image to view the users uploaded image like so:
import model.myModel;
import control.myControl;
// Create data model
public var model:myModel = new myModel();
//private var scld_img:Bitmap;
// Create control
public var mycontrol:myControl = new myControl(mymodel);
<!-- Upload and view -->
<mx:Canvas id="upload" label="1: Upload Image">
<mx:Label text="Upload an image: "/>
<mx:Button id="btn"
label="Browse and preview..."
<mx:Image id="mximg_upld"
In my myModel class I have a img_scld_bm that the browseAndUpload() function draws into after scaling it.
My intent is that my mx:Image will display the image. As shown here I'm assigning the image source="mymodel.img_scld_bm", this ends up just showing a broken image icon.
I also tried data binding, where in my myModel class I have [Bindable] var img_scld_bm. And then tried setting my mx:Image source="{myModel.img_scld_bm}" .. that didn't seem to do anything either. All this compiles fine, no warnings. I think in this case, I'm not setting a trigger or propertyChange event to update the binding??
Can someone help me understand, or provide an example of how to correctly bind an mx:Image source to some bitmap??
thanks so much.