I am trying to make the following work:
declare @ActTable as varchar(1000)
declare @cPK as VarChar(100)
declare @SQL as nvarchar(2000)
declare @FK as VarChar(100)
declare @FKRef as VarChar(200)
declare @TblRef as varchar (100)
create table #temp (
M2MTable varchar(50),
PK varchar (100),
FK Varchar(100),
FKRefTable Varchar(50))
insert into #temp
select 'slcdpm' , 'fcustno', '','' union all
select 'somast' , 'fsono', 'fcustno','slcdpm' union all
select 'soitem' , 'fsono,finumber', 'fsono','somast' union all
select 'sorels', 'fsono,finumber,frelease', 'fsono,finumber','soitem' union all
select 'qtmast', 'fquoteno', 'fcustno', 'slcdpm' union all
select 'qtitem' , 'fquoteno', 'fquoteno','qtmast' union all
select 'armast', 'fcinvoice','fcustno','scldpm' union all
select 'aritem','fcinvoice,fitem','fcinvoice','armast' union all
select 'apvend', 'fvendno','','' union all
select 'apmast','fvendno,fcinvoice','fvendno','apvend'union all
--select 'apitem','fvendno,fcinvoice,union all
select 'pomast','fpono','fvendno','apvend'union all
select 'poitem', 'fpono,fitemno','fpono','pomast' union all
select 'shmast', 'fshipno','fsokey','sorels' union all
select 'shitem','fshipno,fitemno','fshipno','shmast' -- union all
declare M2M_AddFK cursor for select M2MTable,FK,FKRefTable from #temp
open M2M_AddFK
fetch next from M2M_AddFK into @ActTable,@FK,@TblRef
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
when @FK <> ''then Set @SQL = N'alter table dbo.'+ @ActTable + ' ADD FOREIGN KEY (' + @FK + ') References DBO.' + @TblRef + '(' + @FK + ')'
Print @SQL
fetch next from M2M_AddFK into @ActTable,@FK,@TblRef
fetch next from M2M_AddFK into @ActTable,@FK,@TblRef
close M2M_AddFK
deallocate M2M_AddFK
drop table #temp
Please notice the Case statement:
when @FK <> ''then Set @SQL = N'alter table dbo.'+ @ActTable + ' ADD FOREIGN KEY (' + @FK + ') References DBO.' + @TblRef + '(' + @FK + ')'
Print @SQL
fetch next from M2M_AddFK into @ActTable,@FK,@TblRef
fetch next from M2M_AddFK into @ActTable,@FK,@TblRef
I simply want to create the alter table statement when there is a @FK value and to skip it if it's ''.
Can someone point me in the right direction?