




HI, We are currently using Hudson with the plugin SVN. Every error during the maven build implies a email sending to the developpers.

We would like to send an email or better a jabber message (we are all using it) to all developpers that a commit was just done (so they may have to update)

Any solution ? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards

+1  A: 

How about sending notification from SVN, not Hudson?

Konrad Garus
Absolutely! You should send commit notifications is through a Subversion commit hook. You have much more flexibility on who / what to send (e.g. you can include the diffs).
Dave Bacher
The question is a bit disjointed, but I think the desire is to send an email/jabber notification only on error. Otherwise, I'm not sure why this sentence is in the question: 'Every error during the maven build implies a email sending to the developers.'
+1  A: 

The Jabber plugin has the ability to send notifications on failure. Those notifications can go only to the SCM contributers of that build.

Hudson's built-in email system also has the ability to send only to the contributors when there is a failure. Have you looked at the UI and built-in help?


I agree with Konrad. You should use SVN commit hook. But if you really want to go with Hudson, have a look at the Email-ext plugin. I haven't tested it yet, but was toying with the idea when switching from CC to send builds out, when build was successful.

Peter Schuetze