




I am using HSlider to implement a one-thumb slider control. The thumb position is updated by a timer. However, the user can also update the thumb position by either clicking on a position in the slider track, or by dragging the thumb.

Judging by the Flex documentation, I figured all I needed to do was write a handler for the change event. The docs say:

change Event Event Object Type: mx.events.SliderEvent property SliderEvent.type = mx.events.SliderEvent.CHANGE

Dispatched when the slider changes value due to mouse or keyboard interaction.

I wrote my code as follows:

<mx:HSlider thumbPress="handleThumbPress(event)" change="handleUserChange(event)"
    showTrackHighlight="true" buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true" minimum="0" 
    maximum="{_max}" snapInterval="1" enabled="true" width="100%" id="mySlider"
    liveDragging="false" showDataTip="true" verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0" 
    trackSkin="{SliderTrack}" trackHighlightSkin="{TrackHighlightConfigurable}"
    sliderThumbClass="{MySliderThumb}" thumbSkin="@Embed('../imgempty.png')"

What I observe is that my change handler, which is only supposed to be invoked in response to user interaction keeps getting invoked whenever my timer sets the value of the slider. The timer code sets the values quite simply as:

private function updateValue( newValue : Number ) : void
    mySlider.value = newValue;

Am I making an obvious mistake? Is there a better way to distinguish between user versus programmatic change of Flex Slider?




You could just put a boolean wrapping when you set the value programmatically:

private var inputByUser:Boolean = false;
private function updateValue( newValue : Number ) : void
    if (!inputByUser)
        mySlider.value = newValue;

I don't know your exact code so I couldn't solve it explicitly, but something along those lines is what I'd do. You'd set that inputByUser in your change handler, like so:

private function changeHandler() : void
    inputByUser = true;
    updateValue(mySlider.value + 10); // however you're doing it
    inputByUser = false;

Hope that helps, Lance

Lance,That is a good workaround. Don't you think its a bug in HSlider that it calls my change handler for non-programmatic changes?Thanks for your response.-Raj
I can't really tell, try posting all of your code so I could see. I doubt it's a bug, because any time the value is set on the slider, it's going to dispatch a change event, which will run any event handlers on it.