Hello, I'm writing a selenium grid test suite which is going to be run on a series of different machines. I wrote most of it on my macbook but have recently transfered it over to my work machine, which is running ubuntu 9.04. That's actually my first experience with a linux machine, so I may be missing something very simple (I have disabled the firewall though).
I haven't been able to get the multienvironment thing working at all, and I've been trying and manual reviewing for a while. Any recommendations and help would be greatly, greatly appreciated!
The error I'm getting when I run the test is:
[java] FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeMethod startFirstEnvironment("localhost", 4444, "*safari", "http://remoteURL:8080/tutor") [java] java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not start Selenium session: ERROR: Connection refused
I thought it might be the mac refusing the connection, but using wireshark I determined that no connection attempt was made on the mac . Here's the code for setting up the session, which is where it seems to be dying
@BeforeMethod(groups = {"default", "example"}, alwaysRun = true)
@Parameters({"seleniumHost", "seleniumPort", "firstEnvironment", "webSite"})
protected void startFirstEnvironment(String seleniumHost, int seleniumPort, String firstEnvironment, String webSite) throws Exception {
startSeleniumSession(seleniumHost, seleniumPort, firstEnvironment, webSite);
} finally {
@BeforeMethod(groups = {"default", "example"}, alwaysRun = true)
@Parameters({"seleniumHost", "seleniumPort", "secondEnvironment", "webSite"})
protected void startSecondEnvironment(String seleniumHost, int seleniumPort, String secondEnvironment, String webSite) throws Exception {
startSeleniumSession(seleniumHost, seleniumPort, secondEnvironment, webSite);
} finally {
and the accompanying build script used to run the test
<target name="runMulti" depends="compile" description="Run Selenium tests in parallel (20 threads)">
<java classpathref="runtime.classpath"
<sysproperty key="java.security.policy" file="${rootdir}/lib/testng.policy"/>
<sysproperty key="webSite" value="${webSite}" />
<sysproperty key="seleniumHost" value="${seleniumHost}" />
<sysproperty key="seleniumPort" value="${seleniumPort}" />
<sysproperty key="firstEnvironment" value="${firstEnvironment}" />
<sysproperty key="secondEnvironment" value="${secondEnvironment}" />
<arg value="-d" />
<arg value="${basedir}/target/reports" />
<arg value="-suitename" />
<arg value="Selenium Grid Java Sample Test Suite" />
<arg value="-parallel"/>
<arg value="methods"/>
<arg value="-threadcount"/>
<arg value="15"/>
<arg value="testng.xml"/>