



Does anyone know of an app that implemented an in-app subscription?



Just to be clear I'm referring to implementing an in-app purchase of type "subscription" as apple defines it and not implementing a consumable and calling it subscription.


I thought about how the subscription model can be implemented and always ends up with more problems to every possible solution I can think of, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of an app that actually does that.



I don't know of a specific app that has implemented in app subscriptions, and that strikes me as being "not a programming question." But Urban Airship offers a hosted in app purchase solution which does have support for subscriptions:

This might be used to buy a new map pack, game item or subscription based content.

I think you will mostly need to implement the exact mechanics of the system yourself. Users will need to "renew" their subscription by making separate in app purchases.

Thanks for the link to urban airship. I knew they existed but couldn't remember their name.It is true that it's not just a programming question, but I'm not even sure at the moment that it can be solved programmatically.
Ron Srebro

I've seen MotionXGPS Drive do that... They have a rate of $2.99 a month or $24.99 a year. You still do however, have to renew it manually.

Thanks Adam. Are you sure the use the "subscription" in app type? Or do they use the "consumable" type and calling it subscription?
Ron Srebro
I'm not sure, but I think it's consumable.
Thanks for your reply. I'm main interested in the challenges of implementing a "subscription" type in-app purchase.
Ron Srebro

FitnessBuilder ( implements In-App Subscriptions. Let me know if you have specific questions about how the subscription system works.

Steven Canfield
Thanks Steven. Are you sure the use the "subscription" in app type? Or do they use the "consumable" type and calling it subscription?
Ron Srebro
Yes, we use the subscription type.
Steven Canfield
Thanks for the answer and you suggestion for further help. It's good to know that someone is using it - it means its doable. My main issue is how do you assign an account you can track to a purchase so you can let the user use the subscription on more than one device as Apple requires.
Ron Srebro
You have to setup a whole user system / server infrastructure to do this properly. So let users sign up with an email address / password, then let them buy something, and then if they login on another device the server would give them rights to whatever it is.
Steven Canfield

One way to detect if the product is of the subscription type is to purchase it twice. The second time you do it, you'll see a message that warns you about the nature of the product (subscription) and the kind of purchasing (renew).

Ricardo de Cillo