



Does anyone know the answer and/or have an oppinion about it?

Since tuples would normally not be very large I would assume it would make more sense to use structs than classes for these. What say you?

+8  A: 

The reason is most likely because only the smaller tuples would make sense as value types since they would have a small memory footprint. The larger tuples (i.e. the ones with more properties) would actually suffer in performance since they would be larger than 16 bytes.

Rather than have some tuples be value types and others be reference types and force developers to know which are which I would imagine the folks at Microsoft thought making them all reference types was simpler.

Ah, suspicions confirmed! Please see Building Tuple:

The first major decision was whether to treat tuples either as a reference or value type. Since they are immutable any time you want to change the values of a tuple, you have to create a new one. If they are reference types, this means there can be lots of garbage generated if you are changing elements in a tuple in a tight loop. F# tuples were reference types, but there was a feeling from the team that they could realize a performance improvement if two, and perhaps three, element tuples were value types instead. Some teams that had created internal tuples had used value instead of reference types, because their scenarios were very sensitive to creating lots of managed objects. They found that using a value type gave them better performance. In our first draft of the tuple specification, we kept the two-, three-, and four-element tuples as value types, with the rest being reference types. However, during a design meeting that included representatives from other languages it was decided that this "split" design would be confusing, due to the slightly different semantics between the two types. Consistency in behavior and design was determined to be of higher priority than potential performance increases. Based on this input, we changed the design so that all tuples are reference types, although we asked the F# team to do some performance investigation to see if it experienced a speedup when using a value type for some sizes of tuples. It had a good way to test this, since its compiler, written in F#, was a good example of a large program that used tuples in a variety of scenarios. In the end, the F# team found that it did not get a performance improvement when some tuples were value types instead of reference types. This made us feel better about our decision to use reference types for tuple.

Andrew Hare
Great discussion here:
Nissan Fan
Ahh, I see. I'm still a little confused that value types do not mean anything in practice here :P
Bent Rasmussen
I just read the comment about no generic interfaces and when looking at the code earlier that was exactly another thing that struck me. It's really quite uninspiring how ungeneric the Tuple types are. But, I guess you can always make your own... There's no syntactic support in C# anyway. Yet at least...Still, the use of generics and the constraints it has still feels limited limited in .Net.There's a substantial potential for very generic very abstract libraries but generics probably need extra things like covariant return types.
Bent Rasmussen

For 2-tuples, you can still always use the KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> from earlier versions of the Common Type System. It's a value type.

A minor clarification to the Matt Ellis article would be that the difference in use semantics between reference and value types is only "slight" when immutability is in effect (which, of course, would be the case here). Nevertheless, it seems best not to introduce the confusion of having Tuple cross over to a reference type at some threshold.

Glenn Slayden

I don't know but if you have ever used F# Tuples are part of the language. If I made a .dll and returned a type of Tuples it be nice to have a type to put that in. I suspect now that F# is part of the language (.Net 4) some modifications to CLR were made to accommodate some common structures in F#


let scalarMultiply (s : float) (a, b, c) = (a * s, b * s, c * s);;

val scalarMultiply : float -> float * float * float -> float * float * float

scalarMultiply 5.0 (6.0, 10.0, 20.0);; val it : float * float * float = (30.0, 50.0, 100.0)

Bionic Cyborg