is a library call, not an OS system call. It is the run-time library that takes care of the actual overhead involved in making a system call to the OS, technically speaking, fseek is indirectly making a call to the system but really it is not (this brings up a clear distinction between the differences between a library call and a system call). fseek(...)
is a standard input-output function regardless of the underlying system...however...and this is a big however...
The OS will more than likely to have cached the file in its kernel memory, that is, the direct offset to the location on the disk on where the 1's and 0's are stored, it is through the OS's kernel layers, more than likely, a top-most layer within the kernel that would have the snapshot of what the file is composed of, i.e. data irrespectively of what it contains (it does not care either way, as long as the 'pointers' to the disk structure for that offset to the lcoation on the disk is valid!)...
When fseek(..)
occurs, there would be a lot of over-head, indirectly, the kernel delegated the task of reading from the disk, depending on how fragmented the file is, it could be theoretically, "all over the place", that could be a significant over-head in terms of having to, from a user-land perspective, i.e. the C code doing an fseek(...)
, it could be scattering itself all over the place to gather the data into a "one contiguous view of the data" and henceforth, inserting into the middle of a file, (remember at this stage, the kernel would have to adjust the location/offsets into the actual disk platter for the data) would be deemed slower than appending to the end of the file.
The reason is quite simple, the kernel "knows" what was the last offset was, and simply wipe the EOF marker and insert more data, behind the scenes, the kernel, is having to allocate another block of memory for the disk-buffer with the adjusted offset to the location on the disk following an EOF marker, once the appending of data is completed.