



As of now on my results page there are ~20-30 embed elements:

<embed width=420 height=240 src=http://something.swf?foo=bar&amp;baz 
scale="noscale" type="application/x-shockwave">

I was thinking along the lines of something like defining an object and populating it as such:

window.videos = [];

<div class="video-1 video-">
<script>videos.append({ src:'blah', width:'blah', scale:'blah' })</script>

Then enumerate through videos and .flash each video when the modal opens using the respective object ( video-1 matches to videos[0] ) etc..

Though this is probably not ideal since I'm exposing the videos property to the global namespace.

An alternative could be storing the data inside of the element itself...

<div class="video" data="width=400&something=blah">

I might also even be able to just render the embed element itself but not define a src attribute and name it something like realsrc, when the modal opens define src property to realsrc so it loads.

Would appreciate any tips...