Performance comparison
| approach | american-english, | big.txt, | ratio |
| | time, 100ms | time, 100ms | |
| Counter | 5 | 28 | 5.6 |
| setdefault | 3 | 16 | 5.3 |
| list | 2 | 12 | 6.0 |
| try/except | 2 | 11 | 5.5 |
| defaultdict | 2 | 10 | 5.0 |
| numpy | 0.9 | 1.6 | 1.8 |
| S.Mark's extension | 0.8 | 1.3 | 1.6 |
The script that compares 'Counter', 'setdefault', 'list', 'try/except', 'defaultdict', 'numpy' -based, and @S.Mark's solutions is at
Previous comparison:
* python (dict) : 0.5 seconds
* python (list) : 0.5 (ascii) (0.2 if read whole file in memory)
* perl : 0.5
* python (numpy): 0.07
* c++ : 0.05
* c : 0.008 (ascii)
Input data:
$ tail /usr/share/dict/american-english
$ du -h /usr/share/dict/american-english
912K /usr/share/dict/american-english
python (Counter): 0.5 seconds
#!/usr/bin/env python3.1
import collections, fileinput, textwrap
chars = (ch for word in fileinput.input() for ch in word.rstrip())
# faster (0.4s) but less flexible: chars = open(filename).read()
print(textwrap.fill(str(collections.Counter(chars)), width=79))
Run it:
$ time -p python3.1 /usr/share/dict/american-english
Counter({'e': 87823, 's': 86620, 'i': 66548, 'a': 62778, 'n': 56696, 'r':
56286, 't': 51588, 'o': 48425, 'l': 39914, 'c': 30020, 'd': 28068, 'u': 25810,
"'": 24511, 'g': 22262, 'p': 20917, 'm': 20747, 'h': 18453, 'b': 14137, 'y':
12367, 'f': 10049, 'k': 7800, 'v': 7573, 'w': 6924, 'z': 3088, 'x': 2082, 'M':
1686, 'C': 1549, 'S': 1515, 'q': 1447, 'B': 1387, 'j': 1376, 'A': 1345, 'P':
974, 'L': 912, 'H': 860, 'T': 858, 'G': 811, 'D': 809, 'R': 749, 'K': 656, 'E':
618, 'J': 539, 'N': 531, 'W': 507, 'F': 502, 'O': 354, 'I': 344, 'V': 330, 'Z':
150, 'Y': 140, 'é': 128, 'U': 117, 'Q': 63, 'X': 42, 'è': 29, 'ö': 12, 'ü': 12,
'ó': 10, 'á': 10, 'ä': 7, 'ê': 6, 'â': 6, 'ñ': 6, 'ç': 4, 'å': 3, 'û': 3, 'í':
2, 'ô': 2, 'Å': 1})
real 0.44
user 0.43
sys 0.01
perl: 0.5 seconds
time -p perl -MData::Dumper -F'' -lanwe'$c{$_}++ for (@F);
END{ $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; print Dumper(\%c) }
' /usr/share/dict/american-english
{'S' => 1515,'K' => 656,'' => 29,'d' => 28068,'Y' => 140,'E' => 618,'y' => 12367,'g' => 22262,'e' => 87823,'' => 2,'J' => 539,'' => 241,'' => 3,'' => 6,'' => 4,'' => 128,'D' => 809,'q' => 1447,'b' => 14137,'z' => 3088,'w' => 6924,'Q' => 63,'' => 10,'M' => 1686,'C' => 1549,'' => 10,'L' => 912,'X' => 42,'P' => 974,'' => 12,'\'' => 24511,'' => 6,'a' => 62778,'T' => 858,'N' => 531,'j' => 1376,'Z' => 150,'u' => 25810,'k' => 7800,'t' => 51588,'' => 6,'W' => 507,'v' => 7573,'s' => 86620,'B' => 1387,'H' => 860,'c' => 30020,'' => 12,'I' => 344,'' => 3,'G' => 811,'U' => 117,'F' => 502,'' => 2,'r' => 56286,'x' => 2082,'V' => 330,'h' => 18453,'f' => 10049,'' => 1,'i' => 66548,'A' => 1345,'O' => 354,'n' => 56696,'m' => 20747,'l' => 39914,'' => 7,'p' => 20917,'R' => 749,'o' => 48425}
real 0.51
user 0.49
sys 0.02
python (numpy): 0.07 seconds
Based on Ants Aasma's answer (modified to support unicode):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import codecs, itertools, operator, sys
import numpy
filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else '/usr/share/dict/american-english'
# ucs2 or ucs4 python?
dtype = {2: numpy.uint16, 4: numpy.uint32}[len(buffer(u"u"))]
# count ordinals
text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
a = numpy.frombuffer(text, dtype=dtype)
counts = numpy.bincount(a)
# pretty print
counts = [(unichr(i), v) for i, v in enumerate(counts) if v]
print ' '.join('("%s" %d)' % c for c in counts if c[0] not in ' \t\n')
("Å" 1) ("í" 2) ("ô" 2) ("å" 3) ("û" 3) ("ç" 4) ("â" 6) ("ê" 6) ("ñ" 6) ("ä" 7) ("á" 10) ("ó" 10) ("ö" 12) ("ü" 12) ("è" 29) ("X" 42) ("Q" 63) ("U" 117) ("é" 128) ("Y" 140) ("Z" 150) ("V" 330) ("I" 344) ("O" 354) ("F" 502) ("W" 507) ("N" 531) ("J" 539) ("E" 618) ("K" 656) ("R" 749) ("D" 809) ("G" 811) ("T" 858) ("H" 860) ("L" 912) ("P" 974) ("A" 1345) ("j" 1376) ("B" 1387) ("q" 1447) ("S" 1515) ("C" 1549) ("M" 1686) ("x" 2082) ("z" 3088) ("w" 6924) ("v" 7573) ("k" 7800) ("f" 10049) ("y" 12367) ("b" 14137) ("h" 18453) ("m" 20747) ("p" 20917) ("g" 22262) ("'" 24511) ("u" 25810) ("d" 28068) ("c" 30020) ("l" 39914) ("o" 48425) ("t" 51588) ("r" 56286) ("n" 56696) ("a" 62778) ("i" 66548) ("s" 86620) ("e" 87823)
real 0.07
user 0.06
sys 0.01
c++: 0.05 seconds
// $ g++ *.cc -lboost_program_options
// $ ./a.out /usr/share/dict/american-english
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> // exit
#include <boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp>
#include <boost/tr1/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using namespace std;
// open input file
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
wifstream f(argv[argc-1]);
// assume the file has utf-8 encoding
locale utf8_locale(locale(""),
new boost::program_options::detail::utf8_codecvt_facet);
// count characters frequencies
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<wchar_t, size_t> hashtable_t;
hashtable_t counts;
for (wchar_t ch; f >> ch; )
// print result
wofstream of("output.utf8");
BOOST_FOREACH(hashtable_t::value_type i, counts)
of << "(" << i.first << " " << i.second << ") ";
of << endl;
$ cat output.utf8
(í 2) (O 354) (P 974) (Q 63) (R 749) (S 1,515) (ñ 6) (T 858) (U 117) (ó 10) (ô 2) (V 330) (W 507) (X 42) (ö 12) (Y 140) (Z 150) (û 3) (ü 12) (a 62,778) (b 14,137) (c 30,020) (d 28,068) (e 87,823) (f 10,049) (g 22,262) (h 18,453) (i 66,548) (j 1,376) (k 7,800) (l 39,914) (m 20,747) (n 56,696) (o 48,425) (p 20,917) (q 1,447) (r 56,286) (s 86,620) (t 51,588) (u 25,810) (Å 1) (' 24,511) (v 7,573) (w 6,924) (x 2,082) (y 12,367) (z 3,088) (A 1,345) (B 1,387) (C 1,549) (á 10) (â 6) (D 809) (E 618) (F 502) (ä 7) (å 3) (G 811) (H 860) (ç 4) (I 344) (J 539) (è 29) (K 656) (é 128) (ê 6) (L 912) (M 1,686) (N 531)
c (ascii): 0.0079 seconds
// $ gcc -O3 cc_ascii.c -o cc_ascii && time -p ./cc_ascii < input.txt
#include <stdio.h>
enum { N = 256 };
size_t counts[N];
int main(void) {
// count characters
int ch = -1;
while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
// print result
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < N; ++i)
if (counts[i])
printf("('%c' %zu) ", (int)i, counts[i]);
return 0;