




As suggested by many people, it looks like this was because of the fact that clojure code was first compiled and then executed. AOT compilation should help offset that. Given I found the practical Clojure AOT compilation process a little tricky to solve (classpath issues, directory issues et al), I've written up a small step by step process here, in case anyone is interested.

Hi all,

I'm reading "Programming Clojure" and I was comparing some languages I use for some simple code. I noticed that the clojure implementations were the slowest in each case. For instance,

Python -

def hello_world(name):
  print "Hello, %s" % name


and result,

$ time python
Hello, world

real    0m0.027s
user    0m0.013s
sys 0m0.014s

Java -


public class hello {
  public static void hello_world(String name) {
    System.out.println("Hello, " + name);

  public static void main(String[] args) {

and result,

$ time java hello
Hello, world

real    0m0.324s
user    0m0.296s
sys 0m0.065s

and finally,

Clojure - hellofun.clj

(defn hello-world [username]
  (println (format "Hello, %s" username)))

(hello-world "world")

and results,

$ time clj hellofun.clj 
Hello, world

real    0m1.418s
user    0m1.649s
sys 0m0.154s

Thats a whole, garangutan 1.4 seconds!

Does anyone have pointers on what the cause of this could be? Is Clojure really that slow, or are there JVM tricks et al that need to be used in order to speed up execution?

More importantly - isn't this huge difference in performance going to be an issue at some point? (I mean, lets say I was using Clojure for a production system - the gain I get in using lisp seems completely offset by the performance issues I can see here).

The machine used here is a 2007 Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard, a 2.16Ghz Intel C2D and 2G DDR2 SDRAM.

BTW, the clj script I'm using is from here and looks like,


# Add extra jars as specified by `.clojure` file
if [ -f .clojure ]
  CP=$CP:`cat .clojure`

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  $JAVA -server -cp $CP \
      jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.lang.Repl
  $JAVA -server -cp $CP clojure.main $scriptname -- $*
+17  A: 

You're not measuring much here except for Clojure boot time. You're also running your program in such a way that you are measuring compilation time as well. If you want to see faster load times you'll need to ahead-of-time compile your code.

Having coded a bit in Python, I've found that Clojure is as a general rule much, much, much faster than Python and you can usually get a Clojure program to get within 2X-4X of the speed of pure Java.

+1, because it's not as silly as my answer.
Rob Lachlan
+7  A: 

OMG! look how much slower java is than Python!

I wonder if one day Java will be able to match Python's speed.

(Tongue in cheek.)

Rob Lachlan
haha - You must be knowing that something was amiss with your experiment when Python was faster than Java. :)
Bart J
+1  A: 

To add to dnolen's answer, when doing Python vs Clojure timing contents, you might want to package your "basic unit of work" as a function and then use the time macro (in Clojure) or the timeit.timeit function (in Python; or, better yet, use the timing facilities of IPython) at the REPL. The results should be roughly comparable. (Note that Clojure code needs to be "warmed up" by running it a few times to achieve full performance.)

There are also some benchmarking suites for Clojure, for example Criterium; you might want to consider using one of them.

Michał Marczyk
Thanks for the info. I already use python timeit for py benchmarking and perf analysis. This question was more on the lines of - perhaps there was an issue with JVM settings etc that was causing it. The fact that it gets AOT compiled explains it to a large extent.
@viksit: Yup, JVM startup being the other big factor. (Obviously it's no longer a big factor if your process has a significant amount of work to do, but that isn't the case with the "Hello World" example -- or with a single run through the vast majority of microbenchmarks that I've seen.)
Michał Marczyk
@downvoter: Out of curiosity, which part of this answer do you disagree with? (If it's something like "Clojure's time isn't exactly like Python's timeit", then note the "roughly comparable" part of the answer (plus the remark on warmup) and ask yourself whether this might in fact be enough for are-we-in-the-same-ballpark sort of comparisons... If it's something else, I'd honestly like to know.)
Michał Marczyk
+1  A: 

Also, note that the '-server' option in your clj script will use the 'server JVM' which is optimized for long-running processes at the cost of slower start up time.

Your java example didn't include this option, so it is probably using the 'client JVM', which is optimised for faster startup time.

Try running java -jar clojure.jar -i hellofun.clj for a fairer comparison.
