



Python needs a framework, so does Java (for the web). I don't know much about Ruby or Coldfusion. But is there another language out there for the web that can stand alone as it is without a need for a framework or without strict adherence to a design pattern (MVC and the likes) aside from PHP? BTW, the statement that Python and Java needs a framework to work with the web came purely from my readings on articles and books; I might be mistaken.

EDIT : by frameworks I mean those like Django, Pylon, Spring, JSF, RoR etc


Perl does not need one : mod_perl

Tuomas Pelkonen
`mod_anything` has nothing to do with frameworks. You can use a framework without `mod_perl`, you can use `mod_perl` without a framework, you can use a framework and `mod_perl` or you can use no `mod_perl` and no framework.

Python does not need one - mod_python.

Neither does ruby - mod_ruby.

Yuval A
I'm not sure I'd call those "ways to write code for the web" so much as "ways to write code to embed into httpd".
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

Check this. very unconventional..

C++ Server Pages

this. __curious_geek
WHOA! C++ on the web???!!!
It is a programming language. You can talk to it with a web server. You can write server side code for web applications in PostScript if you want to.
David Dorward
+7  A: 

I don't think any of those languages "need" a framework. My understanding is that as long as the webserver has a way to talk to the language interpreter you are in business. Hence all the apache modules for the various languages. The framework is just to make common web development tasks (like accessing a database) easier. You could just as easily write without a framework in any language you can connect with a webserver.

Mike Williamson
+1  A: 

Simplified, a web server is like a function:

HttpResponse ProcessRequest(HttpRequest request);

And since request and responses both are strings, it's more like:

string ProcessRequest(string request);

So, any language that can take a string as an argument and return another string should be fully capable of acting as a server side language ;)


Python with WSGI (mod_wsgi) and Ruby with Rack (mod_rack) can be used to write web apps, with only a small stub needed to catch the request from the web server.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

The last production C program I ever wrote was a cgi app. If you can write web apps in C, you can write them in anything.
