




Prototype working ternary device

Quantum computing with qbits and so on is one thing, but what exactly do we stand to gain from a CPU which works on a ternary basis, where each 'bit' is ether yes/no/maybe (or true/false/filenotfound)?

Is it simply an academic exercise or could it change processor design?

+1  A: 

It provides better density (for parity in manufacturing).

That they provide three states per 'bit' does not make them 'yes no maybe' any more than it means "true false file-not-found" - its an application level thing to decide how to interpret and label those three states, but they are not 'fuzzy' approximate states, they are absolute and exclusive.

Ternary components would actually be compatible with binary CPUs - the key distinction is if they are digital or analogue, not if they are binary, ternary or other based. Its a simple hardware problem to convert one base to another and provide interfaces in arbitrary bases - it won't require a new CPU architecture to have some memory that happened to be ternary, for example.

Who said they were fuzzy? Yes|No|Maybe are 3 distinct states as are true|false|very-false or 0|1|2
I said they weren't fuzzy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_logic
You were the one who mentioned them being fuzzy in the first place. Why? I describe a simple 3 state system and you bring fuzzy logic into the picture...
"Maybe" means approximate in English.
I _am_ English. But Yes/No/Maybe are 3 states. Did you think the 3rd state would enable some magical mode where it could do fuzzy logic? Hence the True|False|FileNotFound alternate state names. I think you misinterpreted my post.
+1  A: 

What practical use does increasing the number of bits have in general in computing? You get a larger address space and faster operations (like adding or multiplying, the bigger the word size, the faster the code, assuming you use the entire word size, because you only pay the register transfer cost once instead of twice or 3 times).

Increasing the "size" of a bit provides a similar bonus, you can reduce the word size and still maintain the same word range. In addition your computations (might) be cheaper since you apply your algorithm for fewer "digits" (depending on how expensive multiplication is in base 3).

But that assumes a ternary bit is as fast as a binary one. Are there any actual fundamental differences to computing from working in base 3 is my question.
Addition/substraction should be similar. Multiplication... idk. Besides I'm not assuming they're as fast as binary ones. They're obviously slower. The question is are they still fast enough that when coupled with a smaller word size it would give a benefit?