I am trying to create a glossary system which will get a list of common words and their definitions via ajax, then replace any occurrence of that word in certain elements (those with the useGlossary
class) with a link to the full definition and provide a short definition on mouse hover. The way I am doing it works, but for large pages it takes 30-40 seconds, during which the page hangs. I would like to either decrease the time it takes to do the replacement or make it so that the replacement is running in the background without hanging the page.
I am using jquery for most of the javascript, and Qtip for the mouse hover. Here is my existing slow code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$.get("fetchGlossary.cfm", null, glossCallback, "json");
function glossCallback(data)
$(".useGlossary").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
for (var i in data)
$this.html($this.html().replace(new RegExp("\\b" + data[i].term + "\\b", "gi"), function(m) {return makeLink(m, data[i].def);}));
$this.find("a.glossary").qtip({ style: { name: 'blue', tip: true } })
function makeLink(m, def)
return "<a class='glossary glossary" + m.replace(/\s/gi, "").toUpperCase() + "' href='reference/glossary.cfm' title='" + def + "'>" + m + "</a>";
Thanks for any feedback/suggestions!