



For whatever reason, our company has a coding guideline that states:

Each class shall have it's own header and implementation file.

So if we wrote a class called MyString we would need an associated MyStringh.h & MyString.cxx.

Does anyone else do this? Has anyone seen any compiling performance repercussions as a result? Does 5000 classes in 10000 files compile just as quickly as 5000 classes in 2500 files? If not, is the difference noticeable?

[We code C++ and use GCC 3.4.4 as our everyday compiler]

+4  A: 

We do that at work, its just easier to find stuff if the class and files have the same name. As for performance, you really shouldn't have 5000 classes in a single project. If you do, some refactoring might be in order.

That said, there are instances when we have multiple classes in one file. And that is when it's just a private helper class for the main class of the file.

Magnus Westin
+1  A: 

It's common practice to do this, especially to be able to include .h in the files that need it. Of course the performance is affected but try not to think about this problem until it arises :).
It's better to start with the files separated and after that try to merge the .h's that are commonly used together to improve performance if you really need to. It all comes down to dependencies between files and this is very specific to each project.

+2  A: 

+1 for separation. I just came onto a project where some classes are in files with a different name, or lumped in with another class, and it is impossible to find these in a quick and efficient manner. You can throw more resources at a build - you can't make up lost programmer time because (s)he can't find the right file to edit.

Chris Marasti-Georg

The same rule applies here, but it notes a few exceptions where it is allowed Like so:

  • Inheritance trees
  • Classes that are only used within a very limited scope
  • Some Utilities are simply placed in a general 'utils.h'
+3  A: 


Most places where I have worked have folowed this practice. I've actually written coding standards for BAE (Aust.) along with the reasons why instead of just carving something in stone with no real justification.

Concerning your question about source files, it's not so much time to compile but more an issue of being able to find the relevant code snippet in the first place. Not everyone is using an IDE. And knowing that you just look for MyClass.h and MyClass.cpp really saves time compared to running "grep MyClass *.(h|cpp)" over a bunch of files and then filtering out the #include MyClass.h statements...

Mind you there are work-arounds for the impact of large numbers of source files on compile times. See Large Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos for an interesting discussion.

You might also like to read Code Complete by Steve McConnell for an excellent chapter on coding guidelines. Actualy, this book is a great read that I keep coming back to regularly

cheers, Rob

Rob Wells
+10  A: 

The term here is translation unit and you really want to (if possible) have one class per translation unit ie, one class implementation per .cpp file, with a corresponding .h file of the same name.

It's usually more efficient (from a compile/link) standpoint to do things this way, especially if you're doing things like incremental link and so forth. The idea being, translation units are isolated such that, when one translation unit changes, you don't have to rebuild a lot of stuff, as you would have to if you started lumping many abstractions into a single translation unit.

Also you'll find many errors/diagnostics are reported via file name ("Error in Myclass.cpp, line 22") and it helps if there's a one-to-one correspondence between files and classes. (Or I suppose you could call it a 2 to 1 correspondence).

James D
+3  A: 

In addition to simply being "clearer", separating classes into separate files makes it easier for multiple developers not to step on each others toes. There will be less merging when it comes time to commit changes to your version control tool.

Matt Dillard
+2  A: 

The best practice, as others have said, is to place each class in its own translation unit from a code maintenance and understandability perspective. However on large scale systems this is sometimes not advisable - see the section entitled "Make Those Source Files Bigger" in this article by Bruce Dawson for a discussion of the tradeoffs.

Brian Stewart

It is very helpful to have only have one class per file, but if you do your building via bulkbuild files which include all the individual C++ files, it makes for faster compilations since startup time is relatively large for many compilers.

+4  A: 