



I'm working with Maven pom files, and I don't wish to source control iml files. When I open a project, IntelliJ seems to add some of the iml files it creates to the SVN source control. How can I prevent this?

I have "*.iml" in an "svn:ignore" property on the repository root, but it doesn't seem to prevent IntelliJ from adding the imls.


Configure IntelliJ to not add files automatically to subversion.

In IntelliJ 6, this configuration is on Settings > Version Control > General Settings:

File Creation/Deletion

When files are created with IDEA:

[x] Show options before adding to version control

Bruno Rothgiesser
But I do want java files to be added automatically, just not iml files.
@ripper234, ok, but note that with the configuration above you will get a confirmation window every time a file is about to be added. You can approve the addition for java files and reject it for iml files.
Bruno Rothgiesser
I don't want a confirmation window :)

The latest version of IntelliJ Community prompts you for the iml file additions separately. If you check the box to avoid being warned in future and choose "no" the first time you are prompted, it will not schedule any further IML files for addition to subversion.

This does not work for me. In the newest version of IntelliJ (9.0.3) there is no checkbox to avoid being asked in the future. In my multi-module project (20+ modules) I am asked 20+ times for ever .iml file wether I would like to un-ignore it or not.

You can also choose to not have your .iml file in a versionned directory.

When you create the module, you can select the module file location. alt text

Here my iml file will be in /ModuleName.iml but the content will by in /myRoot/

Colin Hebert