I'm asked to shorten the start-up period of a long starting app, however I have also to obligate to my managers to the amount of time i will reduce the startup - something like 10-20 seconds.
As I'm new in my company I said I can obligate with timeframe of months (its a big server and I'm new and I plan to do lazy load + performance tuning).
That answer was not accepted I was required to do some kind of a cache to hold important data in another server and then when my server starts up it would reach all its data from that cache - I find it a kind of a workaround and I don't really like it. do you like it?
What do you think I should do?
PS when I profiled the app I saw many small issues that make the start-up long (like 2 minutes) it would not be a short process to fix all and to make lazy load.
Any kind of suggestions would help.
Language is Java.