Can anyone please tell me how to implement IEditableCollectionView interface? I am trying to use a custom list for data binding to a data grid in WPF (C#) and need to implement this interface for editing data.
Can anyone please tell me how to implement IEditableCollectionView interface? I am trying to use a custom list for data binding to a data grid in WPF (C#) and need to implement this interface for editing data.
I'm pretty sure the objects in the IEditableCollectionView have to implement IEditableObject interface for it to work well.
I use it as a wrapper for another collection.
ObservableCollection<ObjectType> Collection = new ObservableCollection<ObjectType>( getObjectsFromDatabaseMethod() );
ICollectionView CollectionView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Collection); // View wich you can sort and filter with
IEditableCollectionView EditableCollectionView = CollectionView as IEditableCollectionView; // Gives you the editview
EditableCollectionView.AddNew(); // adds a new item of type ObjectType
EditableCollectionView.EditItem( a_instance_from_collection);
I'm not sure this is the best way byt it is A way.