I have a stored procedure that retrieves SQL queries as text and executes the statements using sp_executesql. Each of the dynamic queries is a count query in that it only returns the number of records found (select COUNT(id) from...). I am looping through a set of SQL queries stored as text and building a table variable out of the results. At the end, I am selecting all the results from the table variable as the result set that I want returned from the stored procedure. However, when I execute the stored procedure, I am naturally getting multiple result sets (one for each of the dynamic queries and one for the final select.) Is there any way I can suppress the results of a select statement executed through sp_executesql? I have found answers that reference storing the results in a temp table, but I don't have control of the query text that I am running so I can't change it to select into anything. Please help. Thank you for your time.