I realize that this is probably a very niche question, but has anyone had experience with working with continuous neural networks? I'm specifically interested in what a continuous neural network may be useful for vs what you normally use discrete neural networks for.
For clarity I will clear up what I mean by continuous neural network as I suppose it can be interpreted to mean different things. I do not mean that the activation function is continuous. Rather I allude to the idea of a increasing the number of neurons in the hidden layer to an infinite amount.
So for clarity, here is the architecture of your typical discreet NN:
are the input, the g
is the activation of the hidden layer, the v
are the weights of the hidden layer, the w
are the weights of the output layer, the b
is the bias and apparently the output layer has a linear activation (namely none.)
The difference between a discrete NN and a continuous NN is depicted by this figure:
That is you let the number of hidden neurons become infinite so that your final output is an integral. In practice this means that instead of computing a deterministic sum you instead must approximate the corresponding integral with quadrature.
Apparently its a common misconception with neural networks that too many hidden neurons produces over-fitting.
My question is specifically, given this definition of discrete and continuous neural networks, I was wondering if anyone had experience working with the latter and what sort of things they used them for.
Further description on the topic can be found here: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lisa/seminaires/18-04-2006.pdf