use Replace
function of sql server
Sql Server Tips – Removing or Replacing non-alphanumeric characters in strings
Pranay Rana
2010-06-21 11:30:33
use Replace
function of sql server
Sql Server Tips – Removing or Replacing non-alphanumeric characters in strings
I don't think this is possible with T-SQL only in a neat way. But you could easily expose such a functionality through a .NET Assembly to the SQL-Server. There several examples on this topic over the net.
You could try the patindex function. For example with just selecting the FirstName this will remove the first occurrence of non alphanumeric:
SELECT replace(FirstName, substring(FirstName, patindex('%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%', FirstName), 1), '') FROM CONTACTS
To expand this to removing all occurrences, move the patindex call into a function as mentioned here:
CREATE FUNCTION CleanVarchar(@Temp VARCHAR(1000))
WHILE PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%', @Temp) > 0
SET @Temp = STUFF(@Temp, PATINDEX('%[^a-z^0-9]%', @Temp), 1, '')
Finally call the function
Select CleanVarchar(FirstName),CleanVarchar(Surname),CleanVarchar(NationalID) From Contacts