I'm designing a method for an input handler class. Here is some pseudo code...
void InputHandler::ScanEvents( boost::function1< void, std::string& > &func ) {
// Scan keys, determining string to pass
// If string found, call func with string as its argument on object tied to func
I'm not exactly sure how to implement this, or if it is even possible, since the whole point of a function is to separate it from its caller. The idea is that an object has a private member function and a boost::function member that holds it. Whenever it calls ScanEvents on its InputHandler, it passes that function, so the ScanEvents can "activate it" whenever an appropriate event is found.
Efficiency is a concern, as this is in a domain where performance is important, and this function is called frequently.
P.S. I swear I remember reading an example like this in one of Scott Meyer's books, but I can't find it for the life of me. Maybe it was in Modern C++ Design...looking....