I'm trying to create a new field and then later on in my program reference that new field within a case statement, but I can't seem to get the syntax right - my error message says there's an error near the '='.
Here's my code:
declare @source_sys_obligation_id varchar(40);
if facility_utilization in ('F')
set source_sys_obligation_id = source_sys_facility_id
else set source_sys_obligation_id = source_sys_utilization_num;
,case when source_sys_id in ('AFSEAST','AFSLSAL','DFBDOM','ACBS')
then right('000000000000000' + substring(source_sys_obligation_id,6,10),16)
when source_sys_id in ('MLSTLEND')
then right('000000000000000' + left(source_sys_obligation_id,15),16)
else '' end as No
from BridgeUnderwrite.dbo.t_sag_pimsc1
where source_sys_id in ('AFSEAST','AFSLSAL','DFBDOM','ACBS','MLSTLEND')
order by source_sys_id