Hi there
I was looking for any suggestion or a good approach to handle messages between the data & application tier, what i mean with this is when using store procedures or even using direct SQL statements in the application, there should be a way the data tier notifies upper layers about statement/operation results in at least an organized way.
What i commonly use is two variables in every store procedure:
@code INT,
@message VARCHAR(1024)
I put the DML statements inside a TRY CATCH
block and at the end of the try block, set both variables to certain status meaning everything went ok, as you might be thinking i do the opposite on the catch block, set both variables to some failure code if needed perform some error handling.
After the TRY CATCH
block i return the result using a record:
SELECT @code AS code, @message AS message
These two variables are used in upper tiers for validation purposes as sending messages to the user, also for committing o rolling back transactions.
Perhaps i'm missing important features like RAISERROR or not cosidering better and more optimal and secure approaches.
I would appreciate your advices and good practices, not asking for cooks recipes there's no need, just the idea but if you decide to include examples they'd be more than welcome.