I have this obsession with doing realtime character animations based on inverse kinematics and morph targets.
I got a fair way with Animata, an open source (FLTK-based, sadly) IK-chain-style animation program. I even ported their rendering code to a variety of platforms (Java / Processing and iPhone) video of Animata renderers
However, I've never been convinced that their code is particularly optimised and it seems to take a lot of simulation on the CPU to render each frame, which seems a little unnecessary to me.
I am now starting a project to make an app on the iPad that relies heavily on realtime character animation, and leafing through the iOS documentation I discovered a code snippet for a 'two bone skinning shader'
// A vertex shader that efficiently implements two bone skinning.
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute float a_joint1, a_joint2;
attribute float a_weight1, a_weight2;
uniform mat4 u_skinningMatrix[JOINT_COUNT];
uniform mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
void main(void)
vec4 p0 = u_skinningMatrix[int(a_joint1)] * a_position;
vec4 p1 = u_skinningMatrix[int(a_joint2)] * a_position;
vec4 p = p0 * a_weight1 + p1 * a_weight2;
gl_Position = u_modelViewProjectionMatrix * p;
Does anybody know how I would use such a snippet? It is presented with very little context. I think it's what I need to be doing to do the IK chain bone-based animation I want to do, but on the GPU.