Is there any performance overhead that you take on when using Structs (as compared to Arrays, Hashes, etc.) in Ruby?
I tried running the following several times (following Jörg's comment this has been updated to use a fixed variable for the value instead of creating lots of strings):
require 'benchmark'
Example ="Example", :value)
struct =
hash = {}
value = "The value"
n = 5000000 do |m|
# test assignment and access for Hash and Struct { n.times do; hash[:value] = value; end } { n.times do; struct.value = value; end }
It seems with a large enough value of n
the Struct is slightly slower but I can't imagine this would be noticeable or an issue in practice.
2010-07-07 13:03:53
I wouldn't be too surprised if your benchmark was dominated by the overhead of creating (and garbage collecting!) 2 million strings.
Jörg W Mittag
2010-07-07 13:34:17
Good point. Do you think it would be a better measure if we used a single string for the value instead of creating new ones each time? (I will edit the answer)
2010-07-07 14:14:11
No, I think it would be better if the OP simply did the work himself, benchmarking his *actual* code in his *actual* environment on his *actual* Ruby implementation under *realistic* load. Because everything else is just bogus.
Jörg W Mittag
2010-07-07 19:33:50