Implicit in that question is that if you enjoy editing .vimrc files by hand and have posted it on the net to brag about your vim-fu, then you and I don't live on the same planet. Also, I'm furiously resenting your petty sense of superiority and am busy making really unfair generalizations about the number of times you've watched Cowboy Bebop.
But the rest of you guys are the bee's knees, and I'm reasonably certain are above average in both intelligence and good looks.
Where was I. I was thinking that if I'm willing to forego everything but just the basic to intermediate configuration options for vim, then there ought to be a pretty simple little clicky draggy web app or some such that could make me a functioning .vimrc. And it might even explain to me in English what those options were doing when I set them. Like a checkbox that says "Would you like your search results to be highlighted?"
Anything out there that gets close? I'm not in vim often enough that I need the be-all end-all vim rig, but I'd like to twiddle a few things.