



I currently running the following commands on a hudson slave deployed on a windows machine.

mvn clean install

I get the following return on the build.

mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I have set the correct path on the node which points to the hudson installation on the windows machine.

I have also set the correct Path for JAVA and M2_HOME on the windows slave machine.

I was hoping for the correct way to call maven and maybe another *.bat file if need be in the future.

Please and thank you


I still haven't figured this out. A good work around is to use the full path to mvn to run it. Which worked for me.

You also haven't delivered much feedback on the comments to your question. Please be more specific about your setup, what you tried and what not. Did you run the 'set' command from within the Hudson job? You can also use the script console of the node to figure out what the content of the variables are from the Hudson point of view.
Peter Schuetze
yeah the set command you suggested was helpful in debugging the issue. that is why i upped it. Thanks.