



I look for python tutorial but dealing with OOP, I don't need conditions, loops and other stuff, only OOP things and python decorators, generators, etc etc.
And I look for tutorial with practical examples, which make sense, not Fibonacci, I can't learn from abstract non-useful examples. If it will be some part of some python framework tutorial - I'm fine with it. Which one would you recommend?

+2  A: 

There's lots of stuff in the web about oop in python. You should take a look at this and this if you want to skip all the explanations and go directly to the code. There's even a wikibook about it. Hope this helps.

thanks, it's helpful
+1  A: 

S. Lott (who frequents SO) has a Python edition of his online book which has many practical applications:

Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design

The coffee-shop reason for reading this book is to provide the beginning designer with a sequence of interesting and moderately complex exercises in OO design.

As its title shows, that book is on OO design. If you're more interested in the language itself, you can see his other book:

Building Skills in Python

and more specifically the chapter called Data + Processing = Objects.

Alexandros Gezerlis
+2  A: 

There is also a nice step-by-step tutorial by Alan Gauld, which I refer my students to.

+1  A: 

If you want a serious understanding of the power of generators:

Look no further. That's the best resources I've ever seen on generators.

Wayne Werner
thanks, the tutorial about generators is perfect.