I am curious to know what the best way to generate a random integer R that is not in a provided set of integers (R∉N). I can think of several ways of doing this but I'm wondering what you all think.
3Generate a random number R in the entire domain (subtract the size of N from the max value) that you want to use. Then loop through all N less than R and for each add 1 to R. This will give a random number in the domain that is not in N.
Let N be the size of the overall set, and let K be the size of the excluded set.
I depends on the size of the set you are sampling from. If the excluded set is much smaller than the overall range, just choose a random number, and if it is in the excluded set, choose again. If we keep the excluded set in a hash table each try can be done in O(1) time.
If the excluded set is large, choose a random number R in a set of size (N - K) and output the choice as the member of the non excluded elements. If we store just the holes in a hash table keyed with the value of the random number we can generate this in one sample in time O(1).
The cutoff point will depend on the size of (N - K)/N, but I suspect that unless this is greater than .5 or so, or you sets are very small, just sampling until you get a hit will be faster in practice.
Given your limited description? Find the maximum value of the elements in N. Generate only random numbers greater than that.